HW: Hamstrings
Low lunge to half split:
Begin standing so that we may transition into a lunge.
From here we can lower the back leg to the ground as we lean our hips forward lengthening the stretch in the hamstrings.
Find your balance and take 3 breaths in this pose.
Next we will transition into a half split, shifting our hips back and straightening that front leg.
Keep you spine as straight as possible with your hips placed above your back knee.
When you’re comfortable we can deepen the stretch as we bring our chest towards the earth.
You may start with your palms at your side for support, or if possible use them to pull yourself to your front foot and feel the pull on your hamstrings. Hold here while keeping the spine straight for 3 breaths.
Do the same practice on the opposite side.
Thank you for moving your body today.
Light & Love,
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