New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Hamstrings

  • HW: Hamstrings

    Posted by hailzbrou on February 22, 2023 at 5:02 pm


    Low lunge

    From plank position inhale as we engage the abdomen, exhale lifting our right leg bending knee into the chest, lifting into the palms as we bring our right foot in between the hands foot and knee stacks under the right shoulder. Inhale drop the left foot flipping the foot top of foot pressing into the mat. As we exhale we lift up into a kneeling position from the base engaging our right and left feet calves hamstrings and quads. Making sure the abdomen is engaged we place our hands on your right knee inhaling and push into the hands, leaning forward with the hips feeling the stretch into the left hip maintaining a stacked knee over ankle lengthening through the crown continue to breathe here for 5 breaths.

    For more advanced low lunge stretch, keep everything the same maintaining engagement throughout the body, lift both hands off of knee and bring them up above the head stretching fingers up and towards the sky head between shoulders, neck long, gaze forward, shoulders down and back and away from the ears.

    hailzbrou replied 2 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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