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  • HW: Full Length Classes

    Posted by hailzbrou on April 29, 2024 at 2:33 pm

    Heal Your Back –
    I have suffered from sciatica and have now been semi diagnosed with mild scoliosis so I appreciate a back healing sequence. This one was so nice! The alignment and sequencing in this yoga class was crucial for maximizing the benefits of poses while minimizing the risk of injury. The combination of Cat-Cow, Bird Dog, Bridge, and Boat among supine twist poses forms an effective sequence that promotes spine health and strengthens core muscles. Cat-Cow offers a gentle way to warm up the spine, improving flexibility and releasing tension. Bird Dog engages the core and supports spinal stability by balancing strength on opposite limbs. Boat pose builds core strength and stability, helping to maintain proper posture. Bridge pose strengthens the back and glutes, encouraging a stable foundation. Together, these poses create a balanced flow that enhances spinal alignment, flexibility, and strength, offering a holistic approach to back health and well-being and will be great staples for me to utilize in my own practice as well as teaching students.

    hailzbrou replied 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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