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  • HW: Full Length Class – Restorative Yoga

    Posted by Hayley Greeno on February 25, 2024 at 1:18 pm

    I really enjoyed the restorative yoga video in this series. There is such an emphasis on the “daily hustle” and the “daily grind” in today’s world. We are busy with work, relationships, health, self-development, parenting – and it seems that it can be a challenge to be still and to find stillness in our lives. I think including restorative yoga as regular practice is important. With restorative yoga I think the cues to “go deeper” and to connect internally are very important. Asking participants to focus on their breathing and to notice the sensations in their bodies can help guide them to stillness and restoration. I also appreciate the change in pace as the instructor – there is a little bit more time for the brain to think and rest without as much pressure about what is coming next. I am looking forward to creating my own sequencing for a restorative session – especially to pair it with a chakra focus on the root chakra – I believe a lot of those poses focused on the root chakra can help create a powerful restorative flow.

    Hayley Greeno replied 6 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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