HW: Forearm balance + headstand.
🐬 Dolphin 🐬 ♥️ plank pose.
For strengthening of your body to prepare for forearm balances & headstands, the strength & flow your body must attune to with practice overtime is beautifully helpful, so we start of gentle for people beginning.For me I’m not quite there, my core, arm, neck & shoulder strength as well as stability are calling in more energy to be transformed. This I’m so excited for so now I know more of what todo 😍
So practising dolphin 🐬 to help get there.
Find your plank position, strong plank, wrists under shoulders, core engaged, lock in pull in through your entire belly, firm your legs & stabilise through to your feet, welcome length in on the inhale, exhale feel your strength.
Inhale look forwards, exhale gently lower your elbows, align forearms, wrists, shoulder’s, exhale lifting your hips align throughout, knees, ankles all the way down to your toes touching through ground. Fingertips to toes feel breathe, sense within.Stabilise through your palms pressing the earth, using your upper back body for strength & stability, engaged core. Press into your chest space, open through your shoulders, breathe here, exhale stable core, inhale play with lifting one heel & peddling your goes, bending & flowing your knees.
Feel your body.
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