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  • HW: Fluid Power Flow (Day 29)

    Posted by Katie on July 9, 2023 at 7:11 am

    Plough Pose

    I love a plough pose, it’s wonderful for the spine and also gives the thryoid and neck glands a massage, so its great for balancing the hormones, assisting the lymph system and so on. However, we must approach with caution and I wouldn’t suggest this for a beginner unless they were confident they were flexible enough. One Key aspect is the neck must NOT move. This is a compromising position for the cervical spine and so correct alignment needs to be maintained throughout. Moving through to a Plough one would need (usually) to come from a shoulder stand. From a strong solid shoulder stand – again the neck must remain neutral – we allow the legs to slowly come all the way down behind the head. In the early stages of practice, its ok if the knees are bent or feet don’t reach the floor, but endeavour to support the back with the hands and take movements slowly. Over time, we work for the toes to reach directly behind the head and legs to straighten. The arms stretch down away in the opposite direction, palms down, Or elbows can be bent so the hands rest on the low back for support – not to add extra ‘push’.

    To come out of the pose, we can simply roll down slowly, or it can be nice to take a rest in snail pose beforehand – the legs bend and knees come to rest either side of the ears, then we roll. In either option, hands come to the low back to support the transition out.

    Katie replied 1 year, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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