New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Empowerment Vinyasa Shane is awesome

  • HW: Empowerment Vinyasa Shane is awesome

    Posted by Shane Whitston on October 8, 2023 at 10:40 pm

    Opening up the back in this beautiful two pose sequence of wholeness, in a seated position with legs blended up, souls and hands to Mother Earth, stretching straight spine.

    Feet shoulder width apart.

    Take a deep cleansing breath in and as you exhale, raise the hips to the sky.

    Lay the head back, opening the shoulders.

    And then lower the hips, back into a seated position, straighten legs and way, pushing up through the hands and roots to the sky, shoulders back, blades together, straight spine, chin in with string pulling head to sky. Engage the legs, pulling in kneecaps and feeling the hamstring stretch.

    Do this sequence a couple times and notice how it feels for you inside.


    Shane Whitston replied 1 year ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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