New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Day 30 Chi Breath

  • HW: Day 30 Chi Breath

    Posted by hailzbrou on November 10, 2023 at 5:22 pm

    Day 30 chi flow

    High lunge and breath

    1. Start in a standing position at the top of your mat.

    2. Step one foot back and lower your back knee to the ground, maintaining your front leg engaged in the thighs creating balance, front knee bent over the heel, creating a low lunge position.

    3. Inhale deeply, raising your arms overhead with your palms facing each other.

    4. As you exhale, transition into a high lunge by lifting your back knee off the ground and straightening the back leg.

    5. While in the high lunge position, bring your attention to your breath. Imagine that you are inhaling and exhaling energy or “Chi” with each breath in through the nose and out the mouth with the sound of ssss or shhhh or chhhh any that feel intuitive to you.

    6. From arms above head, lower hands down in front of you holding your energy in the palm of yours hands in a cup shape, the one knee bent forward start with the same hand and cup your energy scooping it under the arm and up over the head in a figure 8 and back under the arm, like you’re holding tea in your hand keep the palms facing up.

    7. Repeat the sequence on the other side, bringing the energy into the other hand, lunging to the opposite knee and cupping with the opposite hand maintaining the Chi breath awareness throughout.

    8. Hold the high lunge position for a few breaths rounds focusing on your Chi breath. Continue to breathe deeply, allowing the Chi energy to flow through your body, providing strength and balance.

    **correction to this pose is left hand down and cupped at root, right hand cupped palms up and doing figures eight exercise. **

    hailzbrou replied 1 year, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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