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  • HW Day 15 – Standing Balance

    Posted by Katie on March 20, 2023 at 12:21 pm

    Never underestimate the power of a good toe stretch!
    It’s often surprising how tight they get so don’t feel you have to squat straight away.

    Standing tall on your mat in Tadasana, check your posture before lifting and spreading the toes then relaxing them back down to the mat. With your arms stretching out in front for balance at shoulder height, palms down, lift up onto tip toes, as high as you can. Feel the calf muscles engage, draw the knee caps up as you engage the thighs. Draw the low belly up and in and squeeze the waist in to help stabilise your balance. Stay there OR slowly, bend the knees, lowering your hips gently down, with control, coming to rest on the heels -Toes still as high as possible. You might need to use your fingers to untuck your smallest toes.

    Keeping the back body long, hands can either stay reaching out in front, be in a prayer position at the heart, or in fire mudra above the head. If this is new to you, just work on the standing balance, hands and arms reaching out in front at shoulder height to begin with. You could also hold on to a chair or slide down a wall. Squeeze the thighs together and engage your inner abdominals to help you stabilise.

    If you take the full squat and have any electrical pain in the knees, put your hands to the mat, lower your heels as you walk the hands back behind you, and sit your bottom down on the mat, coming out of the pose gently.
    Balancing is a wonderfully meditative practice – it’s excellent for quieting a busy mind…😌

    Katie replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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