HW: Day 15 Standing Balance
Day 15: Standing Balance ~ Tree Pose 🌳 Begin by standing firmly on the earth, then shift your weight onto one leg while bringing the opposite foot to the inner thigh. Take a moment to make adjustments, make sure your foot is either placed on the inside of the thigh or lowered down to the side of your calf as an alternative, do NOT place any pressure on your knee joint. Activate your core as you raise your hands above the crown reaching up to the clouds, or allow them to rest on your hips for stability. Now, I’d like you to focus your gaze on something in front of you, try and keep it at eye level and have it be something that is not moving. This gaze is also called a drishti, which assists in concentrating your intention as well as helps centre your pranic(energetic) body. Once you’ve found your drishti, hold the pose for at least 1 minute on each side. Remember that your body contains immense amounts of power and that you can always go a little bit further with it each day 🌀 After you’ve completed this balance practice, you may release your body and return to whatever movement or rest your body calls for. Thank you for continuously being here on this journey and for living in a life of love and gratitude ❤️ Light & Love,Namaste ✨
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