New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge Shane Michael

  • HW: Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge Shane Michael

    Posted by Shane on August 15, 2023 at 3:23 am

    HW: Day 1 of 30 Day Yoga Challenge

    Daily Practice:

    We become, in life, what we repeatedly do. How we repeatedly see ourselves and others. Movement is foundational for youth and it can be very wise to take daily care of your spine with gentle movement.

    The act of preparing for practice, the actual practice and picking up afterwards. It can be very beneficial to have a mat that you use and take care of. You can also use certain props to help make proper progress. Always make sure that you wash up before practice and give thanks.

    For this gentle movement that you can incorporate throughout your day, I suggest some type of towel or blanket that you can fold and place under your knees, some type of cushion. Everyday, if we can, we want to get on our knees and place our head on our mat, giving thanks. You can start out in prayer pose, women place feet all the down while males are on the toes. Bending forward, hands on mat, placing your forehead on the ground. You can use a block to place your head up higher. Also pay attention to the spine and straightening it. Take a couple deep breathes here, connecting, connecting, and just relax. Feel the body just relax at the hips and feel yourself becoming lighter.

    Pushing at your hands backwards, moving your butt all the way back. Men can readjust so feet are all the way down, going into child s pose. Really stretch those arms, adjusting and reaching up further. You can use a block to help you. Its about seeing where you are today and loving yourself. Have patience and congratulate yourself for showing up on the mat today. Taking some deep breathes, connecting, connecting, relaxing, relaxing, feel the spine. We just want to show up and relax a bit, nothing hard. Not trying to get everything perfect today. Our job is to be present and cherish this moment first of all.

    Now, lets come up, flowing forward into cobra pose. Strengthen at the shoulders and really breathe, connect. Pay attention to the spine, not forcing anything. Just breathing, relaxing a bit and paying attention. Take a couple deep breaths here, pushing up through the hands, strong. Strong shoulders, shoulder blades back and just breathe.

    Now you can repeat this a couple times going from child s pose to cobra for a nice flow that can help take care of your spine and warm up the body.

    Namaste 🙏

    Shane replied 1 year, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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