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  • HW: Chakra Series (Throat Chakra)

    Posted by Katie on March 31, 2023 at 9:52 am

    Chakra: Throat

    Element: Sound OR Space

    Colour: Blue

    Bija Mantra: Ham

    The Throat Chakra – Vissudha, located in line with the throat, mouth, and also ears and shoulders is our communication centre or most literally, where our insides come out! The ultimate core value for a balanced throat chakra is the ability to communicate, to speak the truth, ones own truth and authentic feelings. We have another tangible connection with this chakra, given some schools of suggest its element is ‘Sound’. This chakra often becomes blocked when we feel the need to hold our emotions and beliefs in. It is frequently a trouble spot, with children who grew up being told to be quiet or not to speak, or experiencing childhood trauma, then struggling to communicate freely as adults, experiencing difficulty or shyness putting thoughts and feelings into words. In addition, if we feel we are trying to communicate but others aren’t hearing us, this can greatly affect our throat chakra, and we often hold a fear of being judged.

    An imbalanced and overactive Vissudha can often show up as someone talking too much, loudness, and potentially with scattered or speech. Conversely, one might be hesitant to express emotions, struggle with aggression, negative language, or lack the vocabulary to articulate feelings.

    Physical manifestations of blockage or imbalance can include; ear, nose and throat issues, respiratory difficulty, neck pain, hormone imbalance, depressions, tightness of speech and a catching in the throat or voice. When balanced, our communication is clear, we can attune effectively to our surroundings, communicate fluidly, truthfully, creatively, AND we are also better listeners who equally, feel listened to.

    For Vissudha to function optimally it requires the support of all the lower chakras: It needs solid support from the Root, a strong and clear connection to our emotions in the sacral chakra, willingness to work with our power in the solar plexus, and with empathic connection to ourselves and others in the heart chakra. If any of these are missing, it is no surprise that the Throat chakra is affected.

    We can support Vissudha through our yoga practice by working with the physical practice, meditations, and breathwork to balance it alongside all the lower chakras. We can take care to stretch and release tension from the neck, shoulders, and the jaw, work with various pranayama, such as humming breath, and undertake singing practices, such as kirtan, and mantra meditations. 🎤

    Katie replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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