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  • HW: Chakra Series (The Third Eye)

    Posted by Katie on March 31, 2023 at 10:22 am

    Chakra: Third Eye

    Element: Light (Some suggest)

    Colour: Indigo

    Bija Mantra: Om

    The Third-Eye, Ajna – located in the middle of the forehead at brow level, and aligning with the element of Light. Here, we open more deeply into the spiritual realm as this correlates to our intuition. It is often seen as the space of psychic and spiritual knowing. An open and balanced third eye suggests someone is open to the divine understanding of the universe. In this space we utilise our imagination – our ability to visualise enables us to travel anywhere in time and space. It is our inner screen upon which we can project any reality, otherworldly, and all in-between. This chakra represents the entry into the non-dual consciousness.

    It is affected not solely by our imagination and ability to visualise, but more practically by our ability to think and make decisions. Our memory also greatly affects this chakra. It is the first connection to the higher self, so your level of openness to spirituality and understanding of your greater purpose will play a large role in retaining balance here. The vision from the third eye allows you to see the world with authentic truth.

    Like Vissudha, to remain in balance, Ajna requires the lower chakras to be unblocked. If you have any blockages lower down the chakra system, it is likely Ajna will remain so too. If you struggle with your intuition, or feel dismissive or judgemental of others it is a good signal there is a blockage somewhere along the line. Other symptoms may include depressions, inferiority complex, lack of concentration, obsessions and delusions, limited imagination, and denial. Physically, blockages here will manifest in headaches, migraines, memory issues, insomnia, nightmares, and dizzy spells.

    When balanced, we experience a deeper self-awareness, emotional balance, and a trust in our inner knowledge and higher path. We can support this though our yoga practice with physical asana such as childs pose, with our third eye connecting to the earth, and dolphin pose. As we move through the chakras working to achieve coherence and harmony as demonstrated by the function of Vissudha, the coherence moves into a single wave of focus by the time we reach Ajna. We can therefore work effectively with mantra chanting, and meditations to focus the third eye; tatraka or candle focus meditation for example, is a good option. As we learn to still our minds to this single line of focus, we move towards stillness and perceive the reflection of the divine. In this, we come to see with absolute clarity.

    Katie replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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