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  • HW: Chakra Series (6) – Third Eye Chakra

    Posted by Hope on April 4, 2021 at 8:57 pm

    The Sixth Chakra is the Third Eye, called Ajna in Sanskrit, meaning “to perceive”. It is located at the brow and concerns intuition and imagination, as well as self-reflection. The goals of the third eye chakra are to help individuals with their psychic perception, accurately interpreting what is occurring within and without, using one’s imagination and seeing clearly. The right of the third chakra in relation to Self is the right To See.

    This chakra begins during adolescence and helps create our identity in relationship to specific archetypes (the hero, the trickster, the fair maiden, the victim, the enchantress, etc., which many people play many roles in many different relationships).

    Illusion can be the enemy of the Third Eye. How do we know what we are seeing is real or, in the case of someone whose third eye is wide open, how do we know what is not real?

    Someone with an excessive sixth chakra might have frequent headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, be deluded and unable to concentrate. A deficient sixth chakra can result in poor memory, poor vision, lack of imagination and even denial.

    We may have deficient and excessive chakras at various times in our lives. I can certainly look over the course of my life and see how my third eye has been both. People with unbalanced, underdeveloped lower chakras often have over developed upper chakras, hence the creative, intelligent type that can’t seem to deal with life or may even have trouble with maintaining their sanity. Alexander Lowen calls this The Schizoid character structure and a person who lives here as their baseline is constantly fighting for their survival. They are sometimes also called “the unwanted child.”

    I go into depth here, because I was this child. Learning about the chakra has helped me learn about my self and why I became the way I am. An unbalanced third eye feels chaotic, like seeing patterns everywhere and not knowing what they mean. Learning to balance the third eye helps us not only see the patterns clearly, but looking beyond the pattern to their meaning and purpose and how it relates to us.

    Some healing practices for the third eye are visual meditations, specifically guided meditations, hypnosis, dreamwork and past life regression. A simple meditation is to simply bring your focus to the third eye region (the area between your brow) and imagine it opening.

    Hope replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dashama

    April 5, 2021 at 12:55 am

    This is awesome @Hope ! i love all your chakra posts 🙏💓👼

    • Hope

      April 5, 2021 at 8:13 pm

      thank you 🙂

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