HW: Chakra Series 4
At the center of the system is the Heart Chakra, or Anahata. With the element of air, it forms a connection between the first 3 chakras focused on our placement here on Earth, through the Heart, opening us to the Spiritual realm of the next 3 chakras.
By creating a balance of giving and receiving love, you create healthy relationships with yourself and those around you. The goal is to feel joy, compassion, and a deep inner peace.
Location: Heart
Color: Green
Chant: Yam
“I Love”
A person with a balanced Heart Chakra shows up with a loving, compassionate, empathetic approach to themselves and others. They feel an inner peace and balance. Likely to have a good immune system.
Excessive Heart Chakra characteristics: Codependency, poor boundaries, clingy, jealous, demanding, and overly sacrificing
Deficient: Drepressed, lonely, withdrawn, anti social, cold, critical, judgmental, lack empathy, and fear intimacy
Ways to balance Heart Chakra:
Breathing deeply
Work with Crystals: Rose quartz, Jade, Green Adventurine, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Calcite
Diffuse oils: Lavender, Jasmine, Rose
Yoga: Cobra and fish, deep shoulder openers.
Dance with joy, release upset feelings
Journaling; really explore your inner feelings and thoughts
Inner Child Work
“I am worthy and deserving of love”
“I am open to giving and receiving love”
“I respect and accept myself and others”
“I will act and speak from the heart”
“I forgive myself and others”
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