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  • HW: Chakra Series (2) – Sacral Chakra

    Posted by Hope on March 31, 2021 at 6:46 pm

    The Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra is known in Sanskrit as Svadhisthana, or “sweetness”. This chakra is located around the sexual organs: the abdomen, genitals, low back and hips. The central issue is sexuality and emotions. Goddesses in the ancient worlds were often associated with fertility and war, respectively, two things that require both ends of the spectrum of passion. Warriors in ancient Canaan often called themselves “Sons of Anat” after the goddess of fertility and war.

    The goals of the sacral are to build healthy sexual relationships, fluidity, pleasure and feeling. The rights of this chakra center is the right to feel and to want. During the months of initial development ( six months to two years), unhealthy suppression of this chakra can lead to imbalances, but at any time in ones life, especially during adolescence, imbalances can occur. Our modern western society is notorious for suppressing sexuality and yet also causing war. Any correlation, you think?

    Unhealthy, unbalanced sacral chakras produce guilt, which can be difficult to overcome. Guilty around sex, pleasure, and feelings. A deficient chakra may cause someone to be frigid, emotionally numb or fearful of pleasure. An excessive chakra may create a personality that is overly emotional, with poor boundaries and addiction to sex.

    Hope replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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