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  • HW: Chakra Series 1-7

    Posted by Amelia on June 26, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    Root: The root chakra is your connection to earth. It represents your foundation and being grounded. This shows up in our lives as simple safety and survival. This chakra is very important as we all need a good sense of safety and survival in order to live our lives. An unbalanced root chakra can show up basic survival issues such as finances, money, food. We want to work with the chakra to feel grounded and balanced and confident in who we are and being able to cultivate our own stability and security.

    Sacral: The sacral chakra is the chakra of emotions as well as creativity and sexual energy. It is a good chakra to work with if you are feeling a lot or feel like you have a lot of trapped emotions. These emotions get trapped in the hips so doing some hip releasers can help to release a lot. Work with this chakra to open your creativity and allow yourself to receive and be receptive to pleasure.

    Solar Plexus: This chakra works with your confidence, self-worth, self esteem, and your ability to go out and do what you want to do and believe in yourself! Working with this chakra can help you to be able to express your true self. This chakra may be blocked if you deal with a lot of shame or self doubt. This applies to both me and my students because we all struggle with confidence at times. Whether its confidence at work, in relationships, or with our bodies. We could all work on strengthening and balancing this chakra so we can be the best versions of ourselves and not be afraid to light up this world with our true authentic selves.

    Heart: The heart chakra deals with our ability to give and receive love. This is my favorite chakra to work with because I believe, in western culture, we are taught NOT to keep our heart open. I believe LOVE and the heart chakra hold all of the answers. No matter what you are struggling with, a heart opening flow can help you open your heart to infuse your issues/challenges with love and compassion. For example, I recently went through heartbreak and I did a heart chakra flow with the intention of opening my heart into this heartbreak and not closing my heart up.

    Throat: The throat chakra works with our ability to speak our truth, share our authenticity, and communicate our own personal power. This chakra helps us to stand up for ourselves and for what we think is right. I like to add chanting into either the beginning or ending of my flow tp activate this chakra. The throat chakra is great to work with for communication and self-expression.

    Third Eye: The all seeing eye that lies in the soul of all beings. The ability to see the bigger picture. To see beyond what the physical reality shows us. This chakra represents our communication with the divine. The higher truth. This chakra also helps to the higher truth inside of us, our intuition. This is SO important because, especially in western culture, we are taught to not trust ourselves. But we have all of the answers within us! Connect with this chakra if you are needing wisdom from within.

    Crown: This chakra represents our ability to let light and spirituality in. To be fully connected and be able to access a higher consciousness. Which allows you to realize that only love exists and to spread love and light to all beings. To connect with YOUR higher power and to feel connected as well.

    Dashama replied 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Dashama

    June 30, 2022 at 2:00 pm

    Wow, love this ! great job angel 🙂

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