HW: Chakra Series 1
Fist Chakra, Root, Muladhara, Red.
Literally translated means root support. It is located at the base of your spine and it is the foundation for all of the chakras to follow. It’s related to the element Earth, which links to your ability to feel grounded or deeply rooted in your life. This energy is attuned to your sense of security, familial relationships, and feeling of home. If your root Chakra is blocked you may feel depressed or anxious. For me, being mindful of a blocked root Chakra is very important.
I use the following mantra:I am Safe. I am supported. I am grounded.
Some of the essential yoga poses to connect with your root Chakra are mountain pose and easy pose. While in these positions focus on the feeling of your body touching the ground or Earth beneath you. Get an added boost while practicing this outside directly on the soil. You may also practice Ujjayi or victory breath.
My favorite practice for my root is to take a hike through Elk Island National park. Halfway through I find a clear spot to sit on the ground and meditate while chanting Lam.
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