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  • HW: Bedtime Yoga

    Posted by Monique on August 1, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    With our hectic lifestyle it’s very beneficial to to bedtime yoga to help you unwind. Do the poses slowly and be mindful of you breath We start in cow face pose. Both hips should touch the bed. Your feet can be close to your body or for a more advance version further away from the bodySit up straight and and take your arms to shoulder height. Take them a little further back and them take your arm in front and your right arm goes down and take the eagle eye position You can keep your back straight or lean forward. From this position we come back straight take your arms back and take the prayer position with your left elbow at your right knee. Take three deep breaths and repeat this sequence on the left side

    Monique replied 2 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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