HW: Arm Balance Series
Day 19 Arm Balance Series~ Crow Pose (Bakasana) Begin in Mountain pose, transition into forward fold by slowly bringing your forehead towards your shins. Slight bend the knees here as you plant your hands firmly onto the earth, spreading your fingers out and distributing the pressure throughout your hands evenly. Once you’re hands feel secure, adjust your knees so that they fall into the back of your upper arms. Gently come up on your tiptoes as you shift your weight into your hands. When you’re ready lift one foot off the earth followed by the other, engaging your core and arms to support yourself floating above the ground. Rise your feet towards your butt l, focusing on keeping your body lifted. If you don’t feel comfortable with both feet off the ground, allow one to be connected to the earth as you strengthen your practice. Transfer your weight back to your feet as they float down to support you. Make sure to keep your elbows in line with your shoulders and wrists to have them all engage in supporting your body in this pose. After this practice I suggest doing some wrist movements to allow your body to keep the energy flowing and never stagnant. Thank you,Light & Love,Namaste ✨
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