New Homepage Forum Daily YTT200 HomeWork HW: Arm Balance Series

  • HW: Arm Balance Series

    Posted by Pamela Smith on April 26, 2021 at 6:22 am

    Low Lunge, Anjaneyasana

    From Downward -Facing Dog, step right foot between hands as you exhale.

    Right knee will align over heel.

    Rest left knee onto floor.

    Inhale as you bring hands above head as sword.

    We are stretching thighs and groin so if it is enough with hands on floor, it is your choice. With hands above head, we will also have heart opener.

    Keep hips aligned, melting into the stretch.

    Look up toward sky and test balance. Where are we with it today.

    Hold while breathing in & out for 1 minute.

    Return hands to floor and re-enter Downward Dog.

    Repeat on opposite side.

    Pamela Smith replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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