HW 7th Chakra – Saharara / crown chakra: Meditation, silence, yoga nidra, yin
Crown chakra / lotus flower chakra
– Sanskrit: Sahasrara means “thousandfold.” Just as the first chakra is the “basic outlet” for feeling connected to earthly matter, the seventh chakra is the “cosmic outlet” connected to the higher, the spiritual, the cosmic.
– Symbol: lotus with a thousand petals. lotus flower chakra
– Element: thought ; connection to spirit, as well as your sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge.
– Color: Violet (the color of cosmic consciousness. A sterile color cool color with a touch of mysticism, which can ease pain and relieve tension in the body. It is a protective color for those who seek spirituality).
– Totem animal: butterfly -> emerging, renewal, enlightenment, connection to the devine.
– Crystals: Amethyst ( helpful in calming the mind and promoting mental clarity, spiritual awareness and enhance intuition). Clear Quartz (amplify energy (also the one of other crystals) and help with spiritual communication.) Selenite (clearing negative energy and promoting a sense of peace and tranquility, enhance intuition.) Diamond (promote clarity and awareness, as well as enhance spiritual growth and enlightenment.) Purple Fluorite ( helpful in promoting mental clarity and focus, promote spiritual growth and enhance intuition.) Howlite (helpful in calming the mind and promoting relaxation, spiritual awareness and intuition.)
– Essential Oils: Frankincense, Lavender, Chamomile, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Myrrh, Rosewood
– Sound / Mantra: AUM / Om (or silence), Frequency: Silence or 936 Hz Solfeggio Frequency (highest of all the tones. It is said to connect you to the universe and its perfection), Musical Tone: Si / B ; Hindustani ragas, silence
– Location: Above the crown, cerebral cortex.
– Glands: Pineal gland / Epiphysis
– Body: Epiphysis, cerebrum, cerebral cortex and central nervous system. Fasting is the food for the mind, it allows the mind to move more freely.
– Senses: Intuition. Universal identity focused on self-knowledge.
– Stands for: Spirit, awareness, sense of purpose, perceptive. unbiased. spiritual connection, broad understanding, intelligent.
– Physical problems with imbalance: Coma, migraines, memory loss, dizziness.
– Mental problems when blocked: Learning difficulties, rigid beliefs, apathy, spiritual indifference.
– Mental problems at excess: Confusion, missing contact let body and feeling, spiritual addiction (Floating, dissociation with body and worldly reality, over intellectualization, creation of own realities.
– Demon / counterforce : Lies.
– Right to know and learn, Feeling carried and connected to all that is and will be.
– Affirmation: I have the right to know and learn. To develop myself spiritually. I feel connected and carried by the universe.
The song that resonates best with this chakra for me is: “Dewi Prayer” by Craig Pruess & Ananda https://spotify.link/rzgxLdpmOyb . There is such a serene peace in this song that allows me to feel the closest connection to the devine and feel carried in the cosmic atmosphere. In this I can feel the space and peace. I often listen to this song during shavasana or yin yoga or while showering before bed.
Yoga nidra is also a very good form of meditation to stimulate the crown chakra.
To balance the saharara chakra, various yoga exercises can be done, including asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (gentle breathing exercises), meditation (preferably silence, yoga nidra, looking in/at a candle flame without blinking), meditative activities such as mandalas coloring, vapasana, fasting.
Here are some specific asanas that can be beneficial to the saharara chakra:
– Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana) – This pose is often called the “king of yoga poses” as it involves balancing the entire body on the head. Inverted postures like the headstand can help to increase blood flow to the brain and stimulate the crown chakra.
– Shoulderstance – if it is not in your practice (yet) to do headstand.
– Rabit pose (to massage the crown chakra).
– Lotus Pose (Padmasana) – This pose is often used for meditation and can help to promote spiritual awareness and connection. The lotus pose also helps to open up the hips, which can release any blocked energy in the lower chakras and allow it to flow upwards.
– Corpse Pose (Savasana) – This pose involves lying on the back with the arms and legs relaxed. It is a great way to release tension and promote relaxation, which can help to open up the crown chakra and promote spiritual connection.
– Tree Pose (Vrksasana) – This pose involves balancing on one leg with the other foot resting on the inner thigh of the standing leg. Tree pose can help to promote balance and stability, which are important qualities for spiritual growth. It is the perfect pose to feel the connection with mother earth and the devine universe / father sky 🙂
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