HW 3th Chakra – Manipura = Solar plexus Chakra / zonnevlecht: Abs & Dance :-)
– Sanskrit: Manipura ‘Mani’ (jewel) and ‘Pura’ (city). Therefore, the word literally means “a city full of jewels.
– Symbol: lotus with ten petals. These represent the ten pranas, the vital forces, currents and energy vibrations that control and nourish all functions of the human body. The five Prāna Vayus are: Prāna, Apāna, Udāna, Samāna and Vyāna. The five Upa Prānas are: Nāga, Kūrma, Devadatta, Krikala and Dhananjaya. On each petal is another Sanskrit letter. These represent Spiritual ignorance: thirst, jealousy, betrayal, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, folly and sadness. There is a red triangle on it and it symbolizes fire. The downward point of the triangle indicates the origin. The upward widening of the triangle sides indicates growth and development. Moreover, it indicates that the flame gets bigger as it rises upward. The center of the inverted triangle has the seed mantra RAM.
– Element: fire, representation of transformation and digestion
– Color: yellow (color of the sun and gold; warm, vital, energetic color; but less intense than red and orange of chakra 1 & 2)
– Totem animal: Aries -> Connection to decisiveness, strength, self-confidence, action.
– Crystals: Yellow crystals such as: Citrine (the “stone of success” because it is believed to enhance confidence, abundance, and personal power, and stimulate creativity, self-expression, and motivation). Amber (fossilized tree resin powerful healing properties; helps to balance the Solar Plexus chakra and promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and physical vitality). Tiger’s Eye (promote courage, strength, and resilience, as well as mental clarity and focus)
Yellow Topaz (enhance self-esteem, confidence, and personal power, promote abundance, prosperity, and success.) Yellow Jasper (promoting emotional stability, mental clarity, and inner strength. Yellow Jasper is said to be a grounding stone that helps connect us to the earth and its energy).
– Essential Oils: Carnation, Rosemary, lemon, sage, lime, oregano, sandalwood, Ginger
– Sound / Mantra: RAM (Pronounced RANG), Frequency: 528 Hz, Musical tone: Mi / E ; Marches, rap music
– Location: located a few inches above the navel, up to the sternum, it is a larger area in the stomach region. In terms of location, it corresponds to your Middle Dantian point, where you generate post-natal energy (Qi ) using nutritious food, drinks, activities, contacts with other beings. But because the dentian points come from traditional Chinese medicine, they are not the same.
– Glands: Pancreas, gallbladder, vegetative nervous system.
– Body: digestive organs: stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen, small intestine, abdominal cavity; muscles. foods such as: green vegetables, sunflower and olive oil, honey, syrup, pineapple, lemons, grapefruit and brown rice are easily digestible and good for this chakra.
– Senses: Emotion starts in this region: gut instinct. This is where you can feel anger first. If you allow this energy to flow it can go up in a line where it can express itself (whether directly or not) as anger/ rage and then go away again naturally. If anger is not allowed to be felt and is suppressed it goes down into a ball and can cause constipation, bowel/bladder/or genital pain. As an adult, it is good not to react instinctively and express all anger physically or verbally. However, it is also crucial to your physical and mental health to do allow and feel the anger in your body. And to act at a later time (when you are out of the emotion which also allows you to use your reasoning again). Like taking actions to engage in a constructive conversation with someone or (re)set graces.
– Stands for: Ego (me), inner power and strength, energy, vitality, enthusiasm, standing up for ourselves, making choices / cutting through knots, decisiveness, self-development, letting the sun shine within you (warmth, light, fire)
– Physical problems with imbalance: diabetes, ulcer, eating disorders, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure.
– Mental problems when blocked: Passive, low vitality, making ourselves small, low confidence in ourselves and life, easily going into the victim role and blaming others, easily manipulated.
– Mental problems with excess: power-hungry from ego (to compensate for low self-esteem), bossy toward others, keeping control, abuse of power, manipulation
– Demon / opposing force : Shame (that you are doing something that is not allowed, excusing everything, even almost excusing and being ashamed that you exist)
– Affirmation: I have the right to act / want / arrange for myself. To be my own sunshine.
– The song that fits this chakra best for me is: “Chatara chara Varti – Protection – Courage – Fearlessness” by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa https://spotify.link/KBedntvmMyb
This is actually a mantra for the heart where you allow the heart to open to the 4 wind directions and ask for protection. However, it is also a mantra to help alleviate depression. This version is so nice and uptempo that I find it the ideal song to get the energy flowing in the 2nd, 3rd chakra energy and immediately flowing into the 4th chakra.
At https://youtu.be/UtobfVTe9ec you can see the dance I like to combine with it during my Miracle morning. If you join it you are guaranteed a nice warm and radiant day 🙂
If you want to slow down in the morning and let your fire slowly awaken, I can heartily recommend ‘The secret kissing of the sun and the moon’ by Hang massive https://spotify.link/FDNY8h7mMyb to do sun salutations.
To balance the Manipura chakra, there are various yoga practices that can be done, including asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation. Here are some specific practices that can be beneficial for the Manipura chakra:
– Asanas: Poses that focus on strengthening the core, such as plank pose, boat pose, and warrior I-II-III And of corse the sun sallutations :-). It is advisable to focus on the Uddiyana Bandha (and Mulabanda during this practice + Always contract the traverses abdominus first is you want to do ab-workouts)
– Pranayama: Breathwork techniques such as kapalabhati (skull-shining breath, contract mulabanda!) and bhastrika (bellows breath) can help stimulate the digestive fire and energize the Manipura chakra.
– Meditation: Visualization techniques, such as imagining a bright yellow light at the navel center, can help balance the Manipura chakra and enhance feelings of personal power and confidence.
Overall, the Manipura chakra plays an important role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By incorporating specific yoga practices to balance this chakra, we can enhance our sense of personal power, confidence, and inner strength.
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