HW 30DYC Day 24 – Wall Inversions
Handstand pose, also known as Adho Mukha Vrksasana in Sanskrit, is an advanced yoga posture that involves balancing your body upside down on your hands. It is a challenging pose that requires strength, flexibility, and focus.
Always start this pose in a safe environment (avoid sharp objects or hight differences nearby (if you would fall…). It possible ask someone to help you coming into the pose and adjusting your correctly during the pose (So you are standing like a tall tree and not a banana 😉
A got way to assist is by standing in downdog split, the assitant support the upper leg, and then the yogi brings the other leg up to the wall, followed by the supported leg by the assistant.
Here are the steps to perform a handstand pose:
- Begin in a downward facing dog pose, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.
- Walk your feet towards your hands and lift one leg up towards the ceiling.
- As you lift your leg, shift your weight forward onto your hands.
- When you feel balanced, lift your other leg up towards the ceiling and bring both legs together.
- Hold the pose for a few breaths, and then slowly lower your legs back down to the ground.
Some tips to keep in mind when practicing handstand pose include engaging your core muscles to help with balance, keeping your gaze focused between your hands, and practicing against a wall or with a partner for support.
It’s important to note that handstand pose is an advanced yoga posture that requires a lot of strength and stability. If you’re new to yoga or have any physical limitations, it’s best to work with a qualified yoga teacher to learn the pose safely and effectively.
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