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  • 6th Chakra – Anja chakra = Third eye Chakra: eyes closes vinyasa

    Posted by Floor De Backer on April 7, 2023 at 8:17 am

    The third eye is our inner guide.

    – Sanskrit: means both perceiving and commanding. You can see images with your physical eyes, but the third eye holds images in memory that can distort your perceptions. Based on these perceptions, you “command” your reality.

    – Symbol: The lotus with two petals of the third eye chakra symbolizes a sense of duality between the Self and God. (Also possible between the masculine energy (Ratio) and the feminine energy (Feeling/emotion). The inverted triangle represents your connection to the divine and true enlightenment. The Om above an inverted triangle sitting within a circle between two lotus petals. Taken individually, the meanings of all these elements are representative of wisdom and balance.

    – Element: Light

    – Color: Indigo (Color of the spiritual)

    – Totem Animal: Owl (inner wisdom, intuition, the ability to see past illusions and access self-awareness), Eagle (has very wide vision with very sharp vision, has overview even in confusing times, is willing to train, does not eat dead things)

    – Crystals: Purple crystals such as Amethyst (calming and soothing properties. It can help to open the third eye chakra and enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. It is a forceful couple together with Clear quarts and rose quartz ), Clear Quartz (ability to amplify energy and increase clarity of thought.) Sodalite (known for its ability to enhance intuition, promote inner peace and communication with your higher self.) Lapis Lazuli (stimulate spiritual growth and enhance intuition, spiritual awareness and understanding.) Fluorite (improve concentration and decision-making skills, mental clarity and focus).

    – Essential Oils: Lavender, Laurel, Myrrh, Lemon, Mint, Rosemary

    – Sound / Mantra: OM / AUM, Frequency: 852 Hz, Musical tone: La / A ; Musical type: Classical, such as sonatas by Mozart.

    – Location: between the eyebrows and then slightly higher and is also called the “third eye” or “inner eye.” It can also be described as behind the eyes in the middle of the head. In terms of location and actions, it corresponds pretty well to your highest dantian point, where your Shen (spirit) is located, the center of consciousness, willpower, intuition, mental activity and nervous system; but because dantian points come from traditional Chinese medicine, they are not quite the same. In terms of location, it also corresponds pretty well to the epiphysis (pineal gland) also called the 6th sense because it is a link station between the external world (what actually happens) and your internal world (how you interpret and place it from all your experiences/intuition).

    – Glands: pineal gland responsible for regulating biorhythms, including sleep and wake time. It produces melatonin, seratonin (15%), carrier proteins (Neurophysins), Adrenoglomerotropin (regulates blood pressure and inhibits production of cortisol and aldosterone), substances that regulate the release of minerals (such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium) It is sensitive to visual sensations and changes in light and atmosphere (because it is placed so close to the optic nerves) Not to be confused with the pituitary gland, which regulates production of, among other things, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, thyroid hormone, thyroid hormone, and other hormones. growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, prolactin and oxytocin, among others.

    – Body: Epiphysis, cerebellum, face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, hormone system, nervous system. Super foods, foods that are fresh, organic, unprocessed and high in protein are good for this chakra.

    – Senses: 3rd eye / intuition

    – Stands for: intuition, insight, awareness, memory, dreams, fantasies (Visualization and imagination), symbols, visions, psychic abilities.

    – Physical problems with imbalance: eye problems, chronic fatigue, headaches.

    – Mental problems when blocked: anxious, confusion, low memory, insensitive, insecure, denial, sees only 1 future, lack of imagination and dreams

    – Mental problems with excess: delusions, little concentration, obsessive, dreams (day and night) and pursuing them, hallucinating.

    – Demon / opposing force : Illusion (thinking that everything must always be beautiful / good).

    – Affirmation: I have the right to see. I know that I can see more than meets the physical eye. I realize that there are many truths. I think the best of myself, always in all situations.

    – The song that fits this chakra best for me is: “Waheguru – Connection and intuition” by Mirabai Ceiba. It is thoughtfully constructed, with inspiring sounds and allows for concentration on the 3rd eye, fantasy and dreaming away. Wah (infinite) hay (thou) Guru (the divine teacher).

    – To balance the Anja chakra, various yoga exercises can be done, including asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, drawing/coloring mandalas or other art, enjoying the beautiful things in life (art, books, sayings, images, smells . ) Here are some specific exercises that can be beneficial to the Anja chakra:

    Asanas: Postures aimed at strengthening your balance/balance, both in position with your head up and down (Inversions). Bringing the head down allows you to stimulate the 6th and 7th chakras even better. A perfect way to trust your inner balance, wisdom and intuition even more is to do vinyasa with your eyes closed. This makes you even more aware of your body, of the changes in your balance sense, the ground under your feet and hands. It closes you off to visual stimuli in your environment, and for me that allows me to focus better on my internal world and yoga practice. Therefore, consciously and unconsciously, I often close my eyes while practicing yoga asanas. It makes me more centred and calm. 

    Before doing vinyasa with eyes closed, first make the environment safe. Remove pointed / hard, breakable or unnecessary objects from your surroundings and from your clothing. This includes hairpins and glasses. Then, with your eyes closed, step off the edges of your mat forward and backward. (Stay with your body oriented in the same direction.) Stand back in the center of your mat and reach with your right feet all the way to the front-side-back side of your mat. Do the same with your left foot. So that you have an image of your mat in your mind. During eyes closed vinyasa, it is advisable to do the latter occasionally with your toes or hands to maintain a straight orientation on your mat. You will also find that you can use hearing (and the reflections of sound in space) to orient yourself. Obviously, asanas on the floor and with a larger support surface will be easier than asanas with a smaller support surface or challenging poses. It is easier to keep your head straight in line with the orientation of your torso/shoulder. Once you turn your head, you affect your balance organs and temporarily fall back to only 4 of the 8 sensibly active senses:

    * Visual: seeing/ eyes -> Inactive with eyes closed

    * Auditory: hearing/ ears -> Active, somewhat meaningful

    * Kinesthetic: feeling (shapes, temperature and pain)/ skin -> Active, meaningful

    * Olfactory: smell/ nose -> Active, somewhat meaningful

    * Gustatory: taste/ tongue -> Active , not meaningful during yoga

    * Intuition: 6th sense/third eye -> Active, very meaningful

    * Balancing sense: balance/ inner ear -> Active, but “wrongly” affected during rapid or unnecessary movement of the head in a different direction than the body.

    * Proprioception: movements and body awareness/ sensors in musculoskeletal system- muscles, tendons and joint capsule, among others. -> Active, very meaningful

    Some asanas that I like to stimulate the Anja chakra are:

    – Child’s Pose (Balasana): This gentle pose helps to calm the mind and activate the third eye chakra. Start on all fours and then sit back onto your heels, stretching your arms out in front of you.

    – Eagle Pose (Garudasana): This balancing pose helps to strengthen the third eye chakra and improve concentration. Start in a standing position and then cross one leg over the other, wrapping the foot around the calf. Cross your arms at the elbows, with one hand over the other, and hold.

    – Lotus Pose (Padmasana) Or easy pose: This seated pose helps to open the third eye chakra and improve concentration. Start in a seated position and then cross your legs, placing your feet on the opposite thighs (Or knees). Place your hands on your knees or in a mudra.

    – Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana): This seated pose helps to calm the mind and activate the third eye chakra. Sit on the ground with your legs extended out in front of you. Reach your arms up overhead and then fold forward, reaching for your feet or ankles.

    – Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana): This variation of Downward Facing Dog helps to strengthen the arms and shoulders, while also stimulating the third eye chakra. From a plank position, lower your forearms to the ground, keeping your elbows directly under your shoulders. Elevator your hips up and back, lengthening through your spine and legs.

    Pranayama: Breathing techniques such as Central Channel Breathing,

    Meditation: Visualization techniques, where you drop your eyes back into their eye sockets and focus on your 3rd eye. Yoga nidra is great for this. it creates peace in our body and mind while keeping our consciousness active. Without judging, just being. This allows us to strengthen our sense of personal power, self-confidence and inner strength/intuition. A Tapping session before meditating can also help to bring your mind already into a calm frequency which makes it easier to reach your 3rd eye.

    Floor De Backer replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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