30DYC Day 23- Self Massage Yoga
Self massage can be so healing. Because by massaging yourself you have to learn to feel yourself and to be gentle with yourself. It can help you to relax and detox, and this way it helps your immune system aswel 🙂
You can massage your bigger muscles like glutes, hamstrings, caves, neck, back with a tennis ball, a (double) cork ball, a foam roller or other devise. The rule of thumb is that a smaller object will give a more pointy pressure so you can go deeper. It is ok to go deeper if you have trigger points. In that case I would advise to stay a little on one spot, don’t move at all till the tention is gone, or make tiny circles. In all other cases I would advise not to make the object you are massaging / rolling with to pointy or press to hard. You want to stimulate the blood circulation, relaxation and detoxification. If you press to hard it is possible that you harm your body and have red / blue spots afterward. So find your sweet spot and learn to be gentle with yourself. The easiest to massage the bigger muscles is lying on your back, side, sitting in staff pose, standing against the wall (ball in between), or just standing upright to massage your feed. On your feed you can also give yourself a little foot reflexology session. 🙂
You can even lay in a prone position to massage your belly with a bigger or smaller ball.
To massage your face you can use your fingers, the palm of your hands or a gusha stone. The pressure should not be more then the pressure of a 2EUR coin if you want to influence your lymf (Egg if you have the little sack under the eyes. The tendency is to pressure to hard to “push it away” but that way you can’t. It is much more effective to stay soft for yourself, the lymphatic channels will be stimulated by that. And your stress will reduce (Your brain will always try to align with what you are doing. This way you can not be hard on yourself with your mind and be gentle with your hands on the same time). To reach the facial muscles you can press a little harder then 2EUR, but still not to hard. The direction should be horizontal or up (against gravity). It is good to make some tiny circles on your temples, under your chin and ad the sternum side of your clavicula during / after massaging your face, to stimulate the lymphatic glands.
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