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  • 2nd Chakra- Svadhistana = Sacral chakra, yoga / vinyasa flow, hip openers

    Posted by Floor De Backer on April 6, 2023 at 5:20 am

    – Sanskrit: Svadhistana: ‘Swa’= ‘one’s own’ or swad’ = ‘enjoy it’means and ‘adhisthana’ means abode or seat. -> the word literally means ‘its own abode’. allurement, loveliness

    – Symbol: Lotus with 6 petals. On each leaf is a letter from the Sanskrit ba, bha, ma, ya, ra and la. The seed syllable in the middle is vam. These letters represent the successive stages of consciousness: affection, ruthlessness, the sense of all destruction, illusion, contempt and suspicion. The symbol also has a silver crescent moon which represents the water element so important to this Swadhisthana chakra.

    – Element: water ; And the Osun river (+ the african yoruba goddess of rivers, fertility, sexuality, prosperity, love, purity)

    – Color: Orange (Warm, vital, energetic, (appetite) stimulating color

    – Totem Animal: Fish, Alligator -> Connection with the water, deeper connection with ourselves (and the primal spermatozoid). The consciousness of the sacral chakra involves the ability to move, change and adapt, and without one’s ability to let go and create flow, one cannot experience growth.

    – Crystals: tiger eye, Orange crystals like: Carnelian (stimulate creativity, passion, and sexual energy, help balancing the emotions and enhance self-confidence) ; Orange Calcite (help with emotional healing, self-confidence, and self-expression, calming effect on the mind and body), Amber (fossilized resin to promote emotional healing, boost creativity, and increase physical energy and vitality), Moonstone: While not orange, moonstone is sometimes associated with the sacral chakra and is believed to help balance emotions, particularly those related to relationships and sexuality. It is also said to enhance intuition and creativity.

    – Essential oils: Ylang-ylang, clary sage, vanilla, pachouli, white sandalwood, myrrh (bitter), orange, mandarin, black pepper, jasmine.

    – Sound / Mantra: Vam, Frequency: 417 Hz, Music tone: Re / D

    – Location: Lower abdomen, slightly below the navel. On the back side it is a little lower, at the place where the sacrum or sacrum is located (the flat bone above your tailbone). Around the same place as the Lower dantian point or Hara Point. Where your prenatal energy reserves (Qi ; yin-yang) are housed. But as the datian points are from traditional Chinese medicine, they are not the same.

    – Glands: ovaries and testes

    – Body: (Procreation centers) womb, genitals, prostate, bladder, pelvic area, kidneys, colon, circulatory system.

    – Sense: Motion and emotion, letting feelings flow (like water, also related to throat chakra regarding expression) needs and desires, sexuality, lust, passion, guilt, duality, shadow. Pleasure, happiness, sharing with others, creativity, creating, pleasures of life, sexuality, sensuality, passion, energy, connection, relationships, In flow (not out of flow) -> Let go and create flow 🙂

    – Stands for: I have the right: to feel, to love my life, to I love my body, i treat myself with respect. I am unique as a person and I go with my flow. This will sometimes put me in flow and sometimes flood me, it will teach me to let go and grow on my path, it will help me appreciate what is now and create what can be. It will help me be good to myself wherever I am.

    – Physical Problems When imbalance pain in the lower back, knees, lack on flexibility, colon issues (Constipation / diarrhea), eating disorders

    – Metal problems when blocked: frugality, rigidity, suppression of emotions and feelings (all kinds, also lust), difficulty in dealing with desires and fear of never being fulfilled-> the demon is shame, not daring to express yourself, not allowing yourself anything

    – Mental problems when excessive: addiction, highly fluctuating emotions, boundless for yourself and others

    – Affirmation: I live in abundance and prosperity, I value myself and am grateful for who I am and who I am becoming, I trust myself on my emotions and intuition, I can navigate naturally between preserving and creating, between exerting and relaxing on my own life flow. I can and may enjoy along the way

    – The song that connects best with this chakra for me is: ‘Ide were were’ from Deva Premal: Stand with your feed stable and a little wider than hip width. Start to make tiny circles, make them bigger along the way. Let your arms and shoulders swing along. Make figure eights. Close your eyes and let your body flow on the music and see yourself flowing in your own river!

    Practicing yoga poses that target the hips and lower abdomen can help activate and balance the energy of the sacral chakra. Here are some yoga poses that are associated with the second chakra:

    – Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana): This pose involves sitting with the soles of the feet together and gently pressing the knees towards the floor. It is believed to help open the hips and stimulate the energy of the sacral chakra.

    – Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): This pose involves lying on your stomach and lifting your chest off the floor, while keeping your hips and legs on the ground. It is believed to help strengthen the lower back and stimulate the energy of the sacral chakra.

    – Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): This pose involves bringing one knee towards the chest and extending the other leg behind you, while keeping the hips square. It is believed to help open the hips and stimulate the energy of the sacral chakra.

    – Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana): This pose involves standing with your feet wide apart and bending your knees while keeping your back straight. It is believed to help strengthen the lower body and stimulate the energy of the sacral chakra.

    – Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): This pose involves lying on your back and lifting your hips off the ground while keeping your feet and shoulders on the floor. It is believed to help strengthen the lower back and stimulate the energy of the sacral chakra.

    Floor De Backer replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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