HW: Shoulders
Seated Bear Hug – ❤️
Let’s begin seated, choose whatever is most comfortable.
If you’d like to stretch the hips as well, you may place your knees in a stacked position, just as if you are getting into Gomukhasana(cow face).
Inhale deep as you open your arms out ready to receive the light in this moment, see how wide you can open up here.
As you exhale release the arms and allow them to wrap around you, giving yourself a warm hug. See if your fingers can reach your shoulder blades, if so pull forward and press your elbows away from the chest as your chin folds into it.
Inhale, once again opening up the arms, hug the world.
Exhale and allow the opposite arm to be on top. Continue to reach for the shoulder blades, if you find tension in this area you can press you finger tips on where it feels tight or have a knot. This is known as acupressure, it gets new blood flow to come rushing in to heal and balance it out.
Slowly release, inhale, open the arms, hug the world.
Exhale, and bring your hands to heart center.
Today is simply a gift.
Light & Love,
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