New Homepage Forum Blog Articles If You Are A Graduate of Flow State Institute, Submit Your Blog Articles!

  • If You Are A Graduate of Flow State Institute, Submit Your Blog Articles!

    Posted by Dashama on March 30, 2021 at 11:02 am

    Aloha Love!

    We would LOVE to publish your wonderful writing, to share with the world. To become a blog contributor, you just have to be a graduate of one of our YTT courses, and also submit your article in this forum with photos for us to review, so we can determine If its a good fit for the website.

    All of your writing will be in this forum for all to read regardless, but we will choose the best and most popular articles to publish for our public blog!

    This blog will be seen by millions of visitors, as we launch the Flow State community, so this is a great opportunity to get your message out there, establish yourself as an expert and position yourself as an authority in the Flow State Community and globally.

    Articles selected should be within 500-1000 words, written in English (unless you can write in 2 languages, one of them must be in English 🙂 and With at least 1 high resolution photo included.

    The topics for the blog articles that we will be most likely to publish include:

    1. Yoga

    2. Flow State

    3. Positive Psychology

    4. Healing (any modality)

    5. Nutrition / vegan recipes

    6. Kundalini

    7. Tantra

    8. Self Love / Self Care

    9. Optimal Performance

    10. Bio Hacking

    11. Shamanism

    12. Meditation

    13. Mantras

    14. Sustainable/Green Living

    15. Yoga/ Spiritual Business Success Tips

    16. Success Tips for New Yoga Teachers

    17. Spiritual Book Lists, Reviews and/or Recommendations

    18. Spiritual Music Recommendations (can include links to Spotify or Youtube)

    19. Sound Healing / Frequency Music (include links to Spotify or Youtube)

    20. Spiritual Art with Intention

    21. Top Non Profit Foundations to Support

    22. Eco Travel Tips or Hacks

    When you submit your articles, please PROOFREAD them and spell check, as well as keep it interesting and relevant.

    Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.

    We look forward to reading your articles and posting the best ones to our blog!

    Blessings and Love,


    Dashama replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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