HW Grounding Series
In this series the focus was grounding and strengthening the mind and body connection to earth. Grounding stretches involve the lower body mostly working the legs, hips and back.
Let’s start on hands and knees
Knees directly under the hip. Arms under shoulder not out in front or close the body.
Back straight core engaged.
Feel free to take a few breaths here. Move your hips or do some cat and cow. Come back to center when ready.
Inhale bring your right leg forward. Knee over ankle and not going over the toes. Bring your Foot to the outside of your right hand. Turn your foot out to an angle. Slightly push forward to feel a stretch in your left hip.
Take a few breaths here
Exhale bring your right hand to the top of your right thigh/knee and turn into your right leg. Looking up to the heavens. Take a few breaths here.
Inhale bring your right hand back down to he floor and bring your right leg back to center on hands and knees.
Repeat on the left side.
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