HW: Core Training Yoga
This picture works, we are moving.
Bicycle is a favorite of mine, it helps me rehabilitate my legs, core, back and spine.
Pretty simple concept, main focus is on spine.
In a seated position lift legs up while engaging the core. When breathing out bring stomach in. .
In kickboxer, sensi says breathe in and out at same time.
Ankle weights offer a great way to intensify.
Can bring hands up behind head, engaging core. Focus on spine and support from ground with hands on the ground.
Remember, this is about building your daily practice and going from there.
Lifting the upper body as to balancr under buttock
Bicycle your legs in a forward and backwards motion.
Ease into the body and feel.
Run the energy through body while building the core and legs.
Keep good record of your practice, review often, forgive and love yourself, always.
See can put photo on computer
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