HW 30DYC: Day 6 Warrior sequence
<font face=”inherit”>Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) -> this is more of an advanced pose. An Easier pose to start with would be high lunge and then warrior 1. Always gently warm up the body and </font>especially<font face=”inherit”> the hips </font>before<font face=”inherit”> </font>coming<font face=”inherit”> into this pose</font>
Begin in Tadasana and step the right foot back. Bend the knee of your frond leg (left) 90 degrees (knee over the ankle). Keep your Back leg (right) straight. Turn the back foot (right) out and align the heel of the frond (left) foot with the arch of the back (right) foot. Turn you pelvis to the long side of your mat. Raise the arms to shoulder height. Reach in both directions in the horizontal plane at the same time. Open your chest. Roll your shoulders back and down and relax your shoulders and neck. Gaze over the front fingertips. Your balance point is in the middle between your legs under your pelvis. Both of your legs are active. Stay grounded, balanced and focused. Breath in naturally (use more chest breathing to open the chest even more)
In addition you could flip your frond hand so the palm of your hand is facing up. See what you want in the palm of your hand. And reach your hand forwards, give it back to the universe, and trust that it will take care of it.
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