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  • HW: Chakra Series 5-7

    Posted by Melody on February 15, 2023 at 6:30 pm
    1. Throat/ Vishuddhi Chakra

    • Blue, Space, ‘Ham’

    The 5th chakra is our Throat/ Visuddha, it is located in the center of our neck where the throat is. This chakra serves as a passage for connection between our individual reality to a universal one. The throat chakra powers us in our expression and way of communication, it is our channel to share with ourselves and others what our intentions, ideas, and beliefs are. When the throat is blocked we experience difficulty in expressing our voice, this may cause us to experience miscommunications and can derail us from our personal truths and creative flow. This brings us anxiety and low self esteem and worsens as we aren’t able to access our communication. Lying is a bad habit to utilize as it creates this block from our inner truths. If you are in an environment where you don’t feel you can express your thoughts you begin to close your throat chakra. When this happens we can also experience physical symptoms such as a sore/infected throat, thyroid issues, gum infections, ear and sinus infections, as well as sore shoulders. To balance this chakra and regain clear and wise communication you may incorporate yoga poses that help stretch and bend the neck, practice singing, humming, or chanting mantras to feel your throat vibrating. Another super powerful practice is through pranayama, where you focus your attention on the throat. I also enjoy having blue lapis or turquoise crystals with me when I feel any imbalance in my throat chakra.

    1. Third Eye/ Ajna Chakra

    • Indigo, ‘Om’

    The Third Eye/ Ajna chakra is our 6th and is located between the eyebrows. This is our center of intuition and foresight, it brings openness, imagination, and visualization into ourselves. It is associated with light and represents the light within us that can brighten our path and create a stronger awareness of the world around us and ourselves. When it is balanced we experience self awareness and emotional balance as we trust our inner knowledge. It brings openness to different perspectives and wisdom from beyond our physical reality. When it is blocked we experience being closed minded and lose our connection with our intuition and inner wisdom, this can make us feel lost, as well as a feeling of being stuck in a loop. Without this connection to our intuition we will struggle to look past immediate problems and our own opinions, overall blocking the bigger picture and continuing to bring a feeling of being lost in a loop. This can affect us mentally with anxiety, depression, headaches, migraines, memory issues, insomnia or nightmares, etc. To realign this chakra meditations, mantras, and many yoga asanas are very useful. One mediation I enjoy is sitting with myself and closing my eyes, then directing my energy towards my third eye center and inviting other aspects to come through. A few asanas that recharge this chakra include child’s pose with our third eye connected to the earth, dolphin pose, and eagle pose as it requires our focus and balance overall. An example for a mantra would include; ‘I trust my intuition,’ ‘I am balanced,’ ‘I am aware,’ ‘I am connected with my inner wisdom.’ These are just a few options as again each person will find what suits themselves best in their realignment.

    1. Crown/ Sahasrara Chakra

    • Purple/White, ‘Aum’

    The final chakra is our Crown/ Sahasrara, it is located at the top of our head and is the center of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and enlightenment. It connects us with higher states of consciousness as we accept visions and realities beyond our personal preconceptions. This chakra connects us to spirit and our sense of universal consciousness, unity, and wisdom. When it is balanced it brings a relaxed and clear mind, which allows you to connect yourself with the world around you, you may also feel increased synchronicities and connection between your physical and spiritual realities. If your crown is blocked you may feel an overall imbalance with your physical body, poor coordination, and low energy to move physically. Your mind will fill with confusion as you feel disconnected to the world, this will bring a lack of focus into your life and may also result in dissociation. To bring balance to our Crown chakra meditation is a key element for myself, bringing myself to a seated position, close my eyes and invision light surrounding my body and circling through my energy centers. Taking my time here until I feel ready to continue with my daily practices. A pranayama exercise I use to realign my energy here is with nodi shodhan, aka alternate nostril breathing, it helps bring balance into my body and flow source energy throughout myself. Personally when this chakra is feeling low I incorporate purple foods (purple cabbage, purple yams, etc) as well as carrying amethyst crystals on or with myself. There is also the option of physical movements through asana such as mountain pose, standing prayer back bend, and warrior 1 with eagle arms, all connecting the earth up to the sky through our bodies. I personally prefer meditation and breathing practices to realign my Crown chakra.


    Melody replied 2 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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