HW: Chakra Series 1-4
Root/ Muladhara Chakra
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Sound: ‘Lam’
The Root chakra is located at the base of the spine, its Sanskrit meaning, Muladhara, is ‘Root.’ It relates to feeling stable and grounded in the mind and physical realities. When this chakra is balanced it brings a sense of being firmly grounded in myself and the world around, especially in my home life. When it is unbalanced you may experience pain in the lower body, this can appear in weight loss or gain, and stomach problems. Mentally it can bring anxiety, stress, depression, lack of focus, and lack of motivation.
To balance and bring steadiness to this chakra you may use yoga, mantras, mudras, meditations, diet, and a change in your environment. Examples of this would be seated poses that connect you to the earth, the sound “Lam” or mantra ‘I am safe, I am grounded,’ meditating and grounding physically by sitting on the earth or standing on the grass, eating red foods such as strawberries and tomatoes, or taking a walk in nature. Overall I feel for each person you find what can calm you down and make you feel more grounded in yourself. I enjoy connecting to nature as much as possible when I feel a bit ungrounded, it is my personal recharge for my root chakra.
Sacral/ Svadhisthana Chakra
Orange, Water, ‘Vam’
The second chakra is our Sacral/Svadhisthana, it is located below our belly button. Its association with water brings flow and flexibility, with its location it brings flow to our sensuality, creativity, and our emotional body. When it is unbalanced our creativity may feel imbalanced, we may find ourselves overwhelmed emotionally, and struggle with our connection with our sensual side. It may appear physically with menstrual issues/pain, lower back pain, lack or overindulgence in sex, and difficulty expressing our emotions, needs, and creativity. To balance this chakra you may do yoga poses connecting to this area in happy baby, goddess pose, or squatting poses, “Vam” mantra or ‘I am creative, I am flowing with energy, I am sensual,’ practicing mudras, adding orange foods to your diet such as papaya, squash, oranges, etc. For myself when I am feeling creative blocks or that I can’t grasp my emotions I enjoy repeating a mantra/ affirmations as well as connecting with myself and water through a nurturing bath or shower, bonus if I am near a body of water I can submerge myself in.
Solar Plexus/ Manipura Chakra
Yellow, Fire, ‘Ram’
The third chakra is our Solar Plexus/ Manipura, it is located in the upper belly area and is active when we are placing ourselves out into the world. It is associated with fire, the sun, and the color yellow which help flow our personal power, self expression, individual will, & sense of purpose. When this is blocked we may feel low on energy, stagnant, and lose your temper & motivation. Blocks will show up physically in your digestive system, this includes; constipation, IBS, not absorbing nutrients properly, and eating disorders. When it comes to our mind this block can create a lack of direction/ purpose, poor self-esteem/image, lack of courage, issues with self expression, as well as adapting a controlling behavior and neediness. To bring balance to this chakra to regain your self empowerment there are many practices. Yoga that focuses on the core to add power to your center include boat pose as a personal favorite, plank/ side plank/ dolphin plank, bridge or wheel pose, revolving side angle pose, and many more poses that strengthen the core. A pranayama exercise I enjoy to help recharge this chakra is fire breath. I enjoy including hakini mudra (bringing your hands to your solar plexus, palms facing one another with the fingertips of both hands together leaving space between the palms, thumbs pointing inward as the rest of your fingers are radiating out) as I do this practice to set an intention to bring energy to my solar plexus. Citrine, amber, and tiger’s eye are a few crystals I enjoy having on or near by me when I am feeling lower in this center. I also enjoy adding yellow foods into my diet such as lemon, yellow zucchini, yellow pepper, and yellow passion fruit (maracuya). There are many ways to feel connected to one’s power and self, my personal favorites are strengthening my core and practicing my fire breath.
Heart/ Anahata Chakra
Green, Air, ‘Yam’
The fourth chakra is the Heart/ Anahata, it brings compassion, love and beauty into our life. It is located at the heart and is driven with transformation and integration, it is the bridge for earthly and spiritual aspirations and the connector of our lower and upper chakras. It is represented with the element air, just as air is all around us and infinite so is love and our connection to all and oneself. When it is unbalanced we may feel codependent on others as we don’t have our own love supporting us, experience poor blood circulation/ issues with the physical heart, loneliness, jealousy, defensiveness, difficulty trusting yourself and others, as well as self isolating with fears of intimacy. To bring balance to our heart chakra I enjoy doing mindful love meditations on myself and surroundings, doing heart opening asanas such as cobra pose, bow pose, camel pose, and puppy pose among the many. I also enjoy practicing heart centered affirmations and keeping rose quartz with me as I make a tea, or cacao, and use some rose essential oil. Another thing I enjoy doing when my heart feels low is adding some love into my clothing, expressing myself with things that bring beauty into my world. There are many ways we can explore in strengthening our heart chakra, one thing I know we can all do is write down some things that we are grateful for, this with loving and compassionate affirmations while sipping a delicious cacao always brings warmth to my heart 💗
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