HW: Pranashama Yoga Manual
Sun Salutation
Starting in mountain pose with both feet grounded into the earth, spread your toes, lift your arches, and root down through the soles of your feet. Spine is long, the crown of the head lifts towards the sky. Tilting your chin down slightly and tilting your tailbone down toward the earth. Pull in your lower belly and close your eyes. Bring your awareness into the present moment, be here, now take a deep belly breath to anchor in.
On your next inhale, reach your arms up toward the sky, with your palms together above your head, interlace your fingers, drop your shoulders down and back and lift your heart to the sky. Gently arch back while maintaining the routed foundation at your feet as with mountain pose.
Exhale forward bend, palms reaching toward the earth, neck is relaxed, crown of the head pointed towards the floor. Knees straight as possible. Inhale half way up into Extended forward fold. Exhale planting your hands down on the mat as you step back into plank and lower your body down in chatarunga. Inhale into cobra or up down, gaze is up towards the sky. Exhale into downward dog, inhale as you lift your right leg up into down dog split, step your right foot forward into a low lunge. Place your left knee to the ground, shift your hips forward, pull in your lower belly, tuck in your front ribs and interlace your fingers above your head. Gently arch back to lengthen the hip flexors.
Exhale as you come into plank position, both palms are directly under your shoulders, spine is straight. Engaging your core and as you exhale, lower your body to the ground.
As you inhale, press down into both palms, release your shoulders down and back, engage your triceps, lifting your chest up into cobra pose. Gaze is either directly forward or slightly up if your neck and back flexibility allow.
Exhale while pressing back to downward facing dog. Palms press firmly into the earth, fingers spread wide, root down through the base of the hand where the thumb and the index meet at the wrist. Relax your neck, allow the crown of your head to fall towards the earth. Tailbone is tilted toward the sky, heals pressing down into the earth. Knees straighten, lower belly engaged, tucking in your front ribs and breath.
On your inhale, lifting your left leg towards the sky, step your left foot forward in between your hands (you may either lower the knee or keep the back kneed lifted for strength and power). Either flat palms or fingertips to the earth on either side of the front foot. Lengthen your spine, pull in your lower belly and look forward. Tilt your tailbone down as you lift the crown of your head to the sky. Bring your left foot forward as you come into a forward fold, inhale as you rise up into mountain pose.
Repeat as you’d like or just welcome your day with a peaceful sun salutation.
Peace & Love,
Melody 🌞
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