HW: Special Cases Module
Butterfly Pose/ Bound Angle Pose
Butterfly Pose is a great pose in assisting with tight hips, this is because it stretches your hip adductor muscles (inner thighs). Naturally this is going to be a tough stretch for those with tight hips, they also will need more support for their lower back. Here are a few modifications someone can begin with:
Beginning in a seated position on a pillow to elevate your hips above your knees. Bring the soles of your feet together and open your knees out wide towards the sides of the mat, creating your ‘butterfly wings.’ Sliding your feet as close towards or far away from your pelvic area, do as feels most comfortable. You may place a yoga block underneath each knee or thigh for support. This will add comfort as you allow the weight of your legs to release towards your props. Elongating your spine here as you shift your pelvis slightly forward to maintain the natural inward curvature of your lower back. You may stay here if comfortable or I have two options for adjustments. If your hips are feeling open to it you may lead with your chest and fold forward over your legs, this will push your stretch a little further. If your hips are feeling tight already you may stay here or bring some pillows to support your lower back and neck as you lie down and adjust the pose as needed for extra comfort and support (either by adding or taking away props/pillows).🦋
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