HW: Journey to Joyful
I truly enjoyed this book Dashama created, mainly because I resonated with the general concepts. What I gathered overall that I incorporated in my life already and now continue to view as important values of life include: Love, Freedom, & Empowerment. Specific teachings I appreciated include the 5 Koshas; physical, energy, emotional, wisdom, & bliss bodies, Pranayama practices, 5 steps to gain control of your emotional body; 1, Breathing 2, Asking yourself what the root of this emotional moment is 3, What is my vision for the best possible outcome for this situation 4, Ask yourself how you can respond from a reflection of light, love, compassion, and conscious awareness 5, Express yourself, and the 10 Golden Rules of Pranashama Yoga;
Non – Judgment of Yourself and Others
Non – Attachment to Things, People, Ideas, Outcomes, etc.
Non – Violence to Self or Others (this includes animals, mother earth, etc)
Never Make Assumptions
Be Grateful- Your Life is a Miracle
Be Generous with your Kindness, Compassion & Forgiveness
Breathe Through the Pain, It Always Gets Easier with Time
Take Care of Yourself First- It’s Easier to Serve Others That Way
Be Open to All Possibilities, Move Beyond the Duality of Right & Wrong
Always Do Your BEST, Give Your ALL & Choose Love in Each Moment
The above examples have helped create a concrete foundation that I feel I can share with others to strengthen their connection with themselves and divine life source. Through development of your personal practice you find love, you discover freedom, and anchor into empowerment of oneself. We are such complicated creatures, all just looking for love, and through working inward we discover so much more this life has to offer.
Throughout this book Dashama has really covered what yoga is for myself. Yoga has always felt like more than a physical practice and during this book it is confirmed. Yoga is the union between the body, mind, and spirit. It is a place of discovery & connection with our bodies that incorporates asanas as well as mindful practices to constantly grow our connection with our mind, body, and soul. Yoga is everything, yoga is a life practice.
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