HW: Miracle Morning 🌅
Every time the sun rises is a chance to start again. A chance to be the truest version of yourself. A chance to spread joy, wisdom and kindness through the day. A chance to choose happiness and acceptance.
I haven’t always been a morning person but in the last 5 years of my life I learnt to enjoy, and feel the benefits of a 5am alarm. I have learnt to love this time alone, with my thoughts, stretching my body and preparing myself physically and mentally for the day ahead.
The Miracle Morning is a guide to awaken your mind, body and soul before the day has begun. You should aim to wake up at least one hour before your normal routine begins. Grab a hot drink and your journal and begin the practice. For the first ten minutes, enjoy the peace and stillness of the day that has yet to begin. Feel the warmth of your drink travel through your body and keep your mind calm and free of thoughts. Focus on long, slow breath.
After this, spend the next ten minutes verbalising your thoughts in song or prayer. Let your mind be free. Let your mind be thankful. Show your gratitude to the world in which we live in.
Spend the next 10 minutes chanting Mantra. Hold out your arms to embrace the world and the day that lies ahead of you. Keeping your arms raised for the duration of the chant, reminds you how resilient you are. Nothing will phase you in the day that awaits you. You are strong. You are open. You are one.
Take the next 10 minutes to journal your thoughts, no matter how big or small, what are you grateful for today? Then practice visualising your goals, your future. Manifest your dreams and believe in the law of attraction.
For the final 10 minutes MOVE YOUR BODY. Walk, stretch, run, jump, dance and with every movement allow your physical self to awaken. There really is power in the phrase, dance like nobodies watching…
I urge you all to take the leap and embrace the practice of the miracle morning. Wake up with the world and awaken yourself
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