HW: Eyes Closed Vinyasya.
Low lunge right side. This was sooo cool! And so challenging
but it was also really grounding & even more exciting to stimulate attunement from within.
So begin on the ground in tabletop position. Eyes closed & take a moment to settle with your awareness to your breathing. However it is, its beautiful, & fine. Just notice & allow your body to centre you deeply. Deep inhale in, deeply exhale out let go of expectations.
Press into both palms. Stabilising shoulders, through neck, core, hips, knees & feet. Aligning & squaring off through your joints.
Inhale lift right leg behind you lifts, exhale right knee to chest & through between palms. Inhale stabilising your hands & your core line to your hips. Exhale chest forward. Inhale lift chin & exhale deepen the hips to the earthplane.
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