HW: Peak Poses
Side Crow Pose
Regular practice usually climaxes with a peak pose. When you have side crow as a peak pose in mind you lead up to it with upper body, core, chest practices, and spinal twists.
Once warmed up begin by crouching into a frog pose. Ground into the palms and lock the shoulders back and down wrapping them down the back. Pivot the knees to the left, your left elbow will connect with the upper knee and the right elbow will squeeze into the right ribs. As you fold forward keep equal weight in the upper and lower body. Bend the elbows and lift the toes leaning forward. Keep your gaze slightly in front of your hands!
This is a great peak pose because it doesn’t require a lot of flexibility and it’s easy to practice with blocks under your shoulders for support, a pillow in front of your face, and obviously you can begin with regular crow pose!
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