HW: Sun salutations
Dornward facing dogAdho Mukha Svanasana
From a plank position, push yourself up. Your arms are straight. Spread your fingers for more stability. Middle fingers of both hands are pointing forward. Your arms are straight, you are pushing the floor away. Rotate your elbows slightly to the inside. This will also make your shoulders sink down away from your ears. Your head and neck are relaxed.. Your legs should be straight, but don’t worry if you need to bend your knees a little and if your heels aren’t touching the ground yet. Try to keep your spine and arms straight in one line. Imagine that there is a string attached to your tailbone and that someone is pulling the string up.
Tak 5 deep breaths.
Variations: You can bend one leg at a time and then switch, “walking your dog”.
Step your left foot to the middle and raise your right leg up, foot pointing to the sky. Keep your spine and arms still in one line. Square your hips. Take 3 deep breaths. Put your right foot back on the ground. Repeat on the other side.
There are quite a few things to concentrate on in this position, but once you practice it a little, it will all become automatic. In the beginning, get to the position and then scan your body from your fingers to your toes, readjusting according to the description.
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