HW: Chakra Series 6
Sixth Chakra, Third Eye, Ajna, Indigo.
Known as your sixth sense, the Ajna Chakra is associated with light and illumination. It is situated between your brows and connects you with higher knowledge, imagination, and visualization. When vibrating at the ideal frequency you are easily able to tune into your intuition and inner wisdom. Seeing your life with clarity and emotional balance you are able to make balanced decisions easier. If this Chakra is blocked you may feel lost, overwhelmed, and mentally foggy. Physical symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and bad dreams.
I struggle the most with this Chakra and I find myself still trying to learn as much as I can about it. When meditating I often focus my intention to my third eye. A nice mantra I enjoy is: I feel balanced and aware. Eagle pose, dolphin pose with hands in Anjali mudra (prayer) and thumbs pressing into the space between the brows, and child’s pose with gentle pressure of the forehead, are a few key asanas to get in touch with the Third Eye Chakra.
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