HW 30DYC – Day 8: Mantra Vinyasa flow
Mantras are used for many purposes, including healing, meditation, personal growth, and prayer. A mantra is a Sanskrit word that has special powers to transform body mind and spirit. The origin of the word mantra is not entirely certain, but most likely a combination of the Sanskrit words manasah/man (spirit) and tra (liberation), i.e. liberation through control of that spirit. It involves a word or a series of words repeated aloud or in silence to arouse spiritual quality. Traditionally, mantras are repeated 7 to 108 times. To empower the absolute power of the mantra and have it completely embedded in your heart you would need to repeat it 125,000 times. Then Mantra Siddhi is achieved; the mantra is in the heart. While reciting mantras, your mind is completely focused on this; which can create meditative alpha, beta and even gamma waves. This creates a deep state of relaxation. Mantras can be pronounced while sitting in a meditative position (you can use a mala with 108 pearls/beads to count). Mantras can also be pre-sung and post-sung, or chanted/spoken while performing asanas, or the ‘regular’ yoga sequence.
Affirmations are different from mantras. Affirmations can be made by anyone. You can make the appropriate affirmation for yourself at various times e.g. I am relaxed, I am strong, I may be loved… They are often used to make positive statements and mindsets your own. And to attract things like prosperity, peace, love, wealth and help you achieve your goals. An affirmation is strongest when you speak it as if you already possess the desired thing. Affirmations can also be aimed at material gain. Mantras, on the other hand, are meant for spiritual healing power and can only be created by meditation masters.
3 types of mantras:
– Bija Mantras (Seed): Bija = seed, Man/manasah = Mind, Tra = liberation. -> Being liberated in your mind by the Seed related sounds. So the sounds in themselves have no other meaning than to make the connection with the vibrational frequency of the corresponding Chakra and plant seed for the purpose of strengthening a deeper connection with the devine source. (seed vibration). Beja mantra sounds are often also incorporated into Saguna mantras to give them an extra power seed.
There are 7 bija mantras: – Lam (1st chakra, red),
– Vam (2nd chakra, orange),
– Ram (3rd charkra, yellow),
– Yam (4th charkra, green/pink),
– Ham (5th charkra, blue),
– Aum (6th charkra, indigo),
– Om (7th charkra, white/gold/purple).– Saguna mantras (with form): invoke the forms of the individual deities or personalized aspects of God. It is said that repeating the Saguna mantras causes the actual form of the particular deity to emerge, manifesting its power. That they cause the powers of a personalized god to be addressed and to radiate into your life as well.
– Nirvana mantras (without form): are the oldest mantras they come from the Vedic texts. There are no attributes of the various gods embedded in them and therefore very difficult to interpret. Therefore, they are considered mantras without specific meaning or form other than to identify with all creation and that they contain the basic truths / fundamental truths from yoga philosophy. Thus, these complicated mantras are not suitable for beginners
A mantra has 3 components:
– Intention / purpose: The ‘why’ of your practice: the reason, the purpose
– Vibration/frequency/sacred sound: The ‘how’ of your exercise. The connection to the vibrational sound and life force energy that cultivates/enhances your practice.
– Meaning/value: The ‘what’ of your exercise, the definitions of your personal mantras.
Each mantra evokes a precise power that can be used for spiritual strength, power to heal from illness, or attainment of worldly desires. Mantras are said to strengthen the connection between the devotee and the Devine.
The chanting of mantras is very powerful and intense, so always take some time afterwards for silent meditation where you make a connection with the different chakras and the energy that flows in them. Visualize the colors (in an opened lotus flower). And connect to the silence within yourself. Underneath all the layers of thoughts and to-do lists there is always a place of silence within yourself. You find it by coming back to the core of yourself each time again in a friendly and inviting way, or come back to your breathing and the resting point that is present between each in-breath and out-breath.
The position I have chosen to explain is the Tabletop position.
In this, you open the different chakras and offer them to the devine source. During this posture you go down the different chakras with the bija mantras. You repeat them all 7 times and visualize the corresponding color in the corresponding chakra.
– Sit on the mat with the legs stretched out in front of you.
– Place the hands behind the buttocks. The fingers point toward the buttocks.
– Bend your legs. Place the feet firmly on the ground.
– Ground in your feet and your hands.
– Push your seat up until your thigh, and torso form a straight line. You are now in table position.
– Scan your body. Are your feet under your knees? Are your hands under your shoulders? How does your neck feel? Can you tilt your head back and open your throat completely? Or does it feel better to keep your chin near your chest?
– Once you are in a good position, chant each bija mantra 7 times, letting your attention go to the corresponding chakra and possibly visualizing the corresponding color there.
– To exit the pose, bring your chin to your chest, gently lower your seat, bring your hands to your knees, and give yourself a hug. If necessary, rotate your hands briefly to relax the wrists.
Feel the shift in energy.
<font face=”inherit”>To modify you can:</font>
<font face=”inherit”>- point your fingers to the side (if it’s to hard for your </font>shoulders<font face=”inherit”>) </font>
<font face=”inherit”>- </font>place<font face=”inherit”> your hands on blocks (if it’s to hard for your wrists) </font>
<font face=”inherit”>- take support on your elbows instead of your hands (if it’s to hard for your arms) or do bridge pose, </font>where<font face=”inherit”> you tilt your pelvis but you take support on your shoulder </font>gurdle
– Sing 1 of each mantra, to reduce the time 🙂
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