HW: mantra Vinyasa Flow
Reverse table top
From seated easy pose bend the knees and bring the feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. Plant your hands behind you, fingers pointed toward your feet. As you inhale, leave backwards to put weight into your hands and lift the hips up towards the sky. Be mindful to keep your knees and toes pointed forwards and legs engaged so the knees don’t bow out. Gently look towards the sky. Engage the entire core including back body and buttocks. Draw the shoulder blades together and radiate through the heart. Breathe in this strengthening pose.
While in this pose we may chant the seven chakra mantras: Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Om, Om. Helping create an internal frequency and enforce deep breathing. Breath in deeply, and as you exhale chant the first mantra. Do this for each one in this pose.
Photo cred to my three year old 🥰
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