HW: throat chakra 5
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra (vishuddha) which is responsible for our communication and self-expression.
With a blocked throat chakra you may struggle to communicate effectively and express your inner thoughts and feelings and so you may find yourself very timid and quiet. Not only this, but a blocked throat chakra can manifest into throat issues such as a sore throat, raspy voice, ulcers etc.
To balance the chakra include more blue in your life. It could be a great idea to wear a blue crystal such as aquamarine in a necklace so that it is close to the throat. Neck stretches and massages are also get to help release the tension built up in the throat chakra and focusing on your breath with pranayama can help reduce the anxiety experienced with expressing yourself and speaking out. Lion’s breath is especially great as it really opens the mouth wide and forces you to expel any bad toxins or stress as well as stimulating the throat and chest area. Singing, chanting and mantras are especially important for balancing the throat chakra as the internal vibrations stimulate the throat and awaken the muscles which may not be used that often. For example the throat chakra chant is HAM and so chanting this word over and over will really help loosen the throat and hopefully make you feel more confident about speaking up.
Poses such as fish pose of plod pose or shoulder stands are great as they focus on the throat area and help massage any tensions that may be held there.
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