HW: Chakra Series 5
The Throat Chakra, or Visuddha, is all about the ears, nose, and throat. It correlates with the element of Ether, expressing creativity and communication. The heart and throat link allowing you to listen clearly to all around you (others’ words, nature, intuition) and speak your inner truth freely from a place of love and compassion.
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
Chant: Ham
“I Hear” “I Speak”
A person with a balanced throat chakra will have excellent communication and listening skills. They will be able to express their truth from their heart, with an awareness that the way they speak can effect the other person. They can also hear the words between the words – what a person means to say rather than the poorly expressed words. Telepathy can be another characteristic.
Excessive Throat Chakra: Poor listening skills, love to gossip, talk too much and interupt others, speak defensively.
Deficient Throat Chakra: Experience difficulty putting feelings in to words, shy, fear of speaking, weak low voice, introvert, tone deaf. Dental issues, grinding teeth, jaw pains are also examples.
Ways to balance the Throat Chakra:
Crystals: Larimar, Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite
Oils: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Sage
Sing, Mantras, Chant – intentional vibrations and sound are so important for balancing the Throat
Breathe in blue light in a meditative state
Journaling or writing
Painting, drawing, coloring, Dance, expression of creativity in any form
Work on actively speaking kind words, not gossiping to impress others
Practice sitting in silence
Yoga poses – throat opening poses. Bow pose, fish pose, lion, cobra, mantras spoken or sung, neck rolls or massage
“I express myself clearly from the heart”
“I am true to myself”
“I listen to others and express my truth with love and compassion” (Excessive)
“I speak up for myself. I deserve to be heard. My words have value. I let go of fear of judgement” (Deficient)
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